
The 10 Essential Benefits of a Business Website

Olena Romanova


Once upon a time, building a website was an expensive, complicated, and time-consuming luxury; one small businesses often couldn’t afford. 

Well, times have changed. 

In today’s competitive market, small businesses can’t afford to be without one. That’s why new AI technologies have appeared, making website creation much more straightforward. 

In fact, with tools like Hocoos Al website builder, anyone can create a website in minutes. It even asks questions about your business, creating useful content to help get you started.

That’s great, but why do you need a website in the first place?



Here are 10 reasons a website is essential for your small business or side hustle.



1. Reach More Customers

Do you dream of reaching a bigger audience? Of course you do. Well, one of the simplest ways is building a website. Then you’re only a Google search away from new customers.

Even if your business only operates locally, having a website will help you reach customers in your community who might not have known you existed before finding you online.


2. Find The Right Customers

Owning a website makes it easier to connect with your ideal customers. If someone finds your website, the chances are high that they are searching for exactly the product or service you’re offering. 

A website also lets you target advertising through Google, Facebook, and other services. This gives you the ability to reach people according to location, age, gender, interests, and more. That means you can take your business to them rather than wait for your customers to find you.

female hand holding a magnifying glass looking for right customers



3. Increase Earning Potential

Building an AI website to sell your products or services is a great way to create or grow a business (and to earn some extra $$$). Still, it’s not the only revenue opportunity available to you. 

For example, you could use your site to sell merchandise (Hello Flamethrower?), or once you’ve built up your site traffic, make revenue from advertising.


4. Create A Community

Making an AI website and building your presence online helps give customers a place to engage, both with you and each other. 

Creating a community of shared interests increases loyalty to your brand and keeps your customers coming back again and again.


5. Get Customers Talking

Owning a website will help your business grow as your customers can give their friends a direct link to your website when recommending you. 

This provides them with access to all the information they need and gives customers confidence in your business.


6. Increase Your Availability

I emailed an engineer at 2am when my boiler broke, and 2 minutes later I got an automated email promising to call at 9am. I never looked for another ever again.

If you’re only available by phone and in person, you’re not offering customers the access and availability they are used to in 2023. 

By building an AI website, potential customers can learn about your business and connect outside your usual working hours from the comfort of their homes.


wooden cube exclamation mark website with AI tool for customers attantion

7. Grab Attention

Hocoos AI website builder is a fantastic tool to capture the attention of potential customers, helping your business establish its online presence.

Having your own website makes it easier for people to find your business online. Having a custom domain and branding that matches your business can really help make your website much more visible to potential customers.

You can also use your AI website to announce new products and services, and share information, updates, and promotions, helping to keep customers informed and engaged.

Websites also help establish credibility, professionalism, and establish trust with your target audience. In short, your website is a powerful tool to connect with potential customers through your own slice of online real estate.


8. Keep Up With The Competition

With AI website builders making online business ownership so accessible, it’s no longer a luxury but an expectation that businesses have an online presence. 

Anyone looking for a product or service is usually going to start online. It doesn’t matter how good/cheap/available your offering is; If they can’t find you on a Google search, then to most customers you simply don’t exist. 

Now, look at your competition. Do they have a website? If so, then that’s where YOUR potential online customers are going. 


9. Share Your Info

At the very least, think of your website as an online business card. It’s the place where people can go to find any information they might need about your business. 

You could list your products and services, run a blog with updates about what you’re doing, or add a map so customers can find you in real life (and improve your business visibility on Google Maps).

Even a single page with opening hours and relevant contact information will help potential customers find and connect with your business.


10. It’s Fun!

Building an AI website lets you explore your business and connect with customers in new and exciting ways! You will discover and learn new skills and ideas, while also improving customer relations.  

So, what’s stopping you from creating your own business? After all, you don’t need time, money, or tech skills to create your online store with Hocoos AI website builder.

Why? Because with Hocoos it only takes 5 minutes to build your free business website.

How? With Hocoos. Our AI wizard asks you 8 quick questions about your business. It then builds a complete website before your very eyes by using your answers to create everything, including custom content.

Think about it. In the time it took to read this article, you could have created an entire website. Right now you could be editing your site, adding products, or describing services.

And then who knows what tomorrow could bring?

Create your free website with Hocoos and find out the potential of what you can achieve with AI.

Meet the author

Olena Romanova


and find the tips and tricks you need to succeed.
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