What is Information Architecture in relation to Navigation?

7 min to read

Information architecture (IA) refers to how you structure information on your website, apps, and software. The aim is to organize information in a way that users can access and understand; someone should know exactly where to find what they’re looking for.

Several aspects can form and influence IA. Your sitemap is important for search engines to crawl your website correctly, and on-site navigation is similarly key for enabling users to access information; menus in particular are a core component of this.

Pro Tip:
When implementing IA on your sites, apps, and software, understanding user behavior is crucial. You should guide users where they’ll typically want to visit, and it’s vital that you do so in a way that fits within your website.
Key Takeaways:
  • Information architecture (IA) is a core user experience component
  • Search engines must understand your website information easily, making IA crucial for SEO
  • Consider the impacts that IA can have on website navigation
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How is information architecture applied in website navigation design? 

IA is designed to organize your content in a way that users can easily navigate, meaning that it’s a crucial part of user-centric design. You should A/B test your designs to ensure that users don’t get lost along the way, and you can implement numerous elements. These include: 

  • Dropdown menus 

  • Breadcrumbs 

  • On-page filters 

Understand your customer’s primary needs and consider the type of website you have. For example, an eCommerce website should probably use on-page filters for its products. Meanwhile, a blog may have dropdown menus – especially if it covers several topics within a niche.

What is the role of user experience (UX) in information architecture and navigation? 

User experience (UX) is the primary reason why you need to prioritize infrastructure.

  • Navigation: Use IA to walk users through their full desired website journey. Implement a logical flow in the organization of information, facilitating ease of access. 

  • Satisfaction: Consider how implementing IA on your website could impact user satisfaction. 

Avoid confusing/frustrating users by making it harder for them to complete tasks; monitoring your current processes in this area is a good idea. 

Typically, a user’s ability to swiftly and successfully obtain the information they seek is a key indicator of effective IA. 

How does information architecture impact a website’s search engine optimization (SEO)? 

IA can significantly impact your SEO efforts positively or negatively, depending on how you implement your strategy. Crawlers determine where websites rank in search engines, and a logical information architecture is important for ensuring that they can find and organize information. 

Since crawlers need to retrieve information from your website, IA has a direct impact on where you rank. Properly organizing your website and providing high-quality content may result in higher rankings, whereas a poorly organized website could lead to lower rankings. 

Google also prioritizes the user experience when ranking websites, with the user interface (UI) and interaction design (IxD) forming key components. Since IA is part of your UX strategy, this could impact where you appear in search results. 

Pro Tip:
It’s important that you don’t ignore IA as this could lead to a badly structured website; focus on the best practices and iterate over time. Your search engine rankings are a byproduct of this, among other things (e.g. the quality of your content). 


Information architecture (IA) is a vital part of the user experience that mustn’t be ignored. It’s important that you logically organize information on your page so that users can quickly navigate to the places they want to. Moreover, search engine crawlers need a solid IA so they can crawl your website and rank it appropriately. 

Implement IA in a way that makes sense for your website. Breadcrumbs should be the case on all sites, but you may not need filters or dropdown menus. These will largely depend on your offerings and existing content. Refine your navigation systems as the content on your website changes.

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