What are website testimonials?

3 min to read

Website testimonials are short endorsements that your customers write for you.

Testimonials talk about experiences with your products, customer support, and additional services provided.

Key Takeaways:
  • Customer testimonials are powerful social proof
  • Customer testimonials can showcase social proof and grow credibility.
  • Strategic placement of testimonials is key
  • Placing them on high-traffic pages (i.e. your homepage) might make them more visible to potential customers.
  • Focus on quality and specificity
  • Low-effort "positive" reviews can sometimes have a negative impact, and you should focus on authentic testimonials that highlight how you solved your audience's pain points.
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Why are testimonials important for my website?

Testimonials show exactly who you are, and they especially matter when you’ve only just started your business. Here are a few reasons why testimonials are important for your website:

  • Build trust and credibility: Testimonials highlight your customer track record, whereas websites without testimonials will naturally attract skepticism from potential buyers – who may prefer to go somewhere more established.

  • Search engine rankings: Positive testimonials signal to Google that you’re a credible brand, but not having them could result in your website not ranking as highly as it could. You can also include keywords in testimonials to demonstrate your niche and expertise to search engines. 

  • Make purchasing decisions for customers: Positive testimonials are essential if you want to turn skeptical customers into brand believers, and not including them could convince them to go elsewhere.

Where should I put testimonials on my website?

Testimonials should feature on most (or all) of your web pages that receive the most visits. These include, but are not limited to: 

  • Homepage: Put homepage testimonials toward the middle of your page. Before including those and any pictures, names, or logos, talk about your products and services. Buyers will decide whether or not you can help them as they read your content; testimonials will feature in a place where they’re ready to make a decision. 

  • Product or service pages: As customers surf through your product or service pages, they’ll want proof that what you offer actually works. For this reason, consider adding testimonials on these pages.

  • Dedicated testimonial page: Many websites have separate testimonial pages. Potential customers visit these when they’re close to a purchasing decision to determine what they should do next. Consider including more testimonials than on your homepage for credibility.

  • Landing pages: Landing page testimonials demonstrate your past track record. You can then place the offer in front of them, and they can decide whether they want to work with you. 

How many testimonials should I have?

Start slowly (3-5 testimonials) and aim for variety to ensure that you don’t overwhelm yourself and that your testimonials are actually effective.

As your business becomes more established, consider these tips to ensure that your testimonials don’t become irrelevant:

  • Collect more testimonials as you work with more customers, and ask people to leave positive reviews; the worst that happens is they say no. 

  • Gather testimonials that showcase more than one thing (e.g. customer support, product features, and community). 

Extra Tips for Effective Website Testimonials

  • Keep them concise: People don’t have long attention spans; they need impactful and direct testimonials that get to the nitty-gritty. 

  • Use real names and photos: Always get permission to ensure that you don’t violate privacy laws. Use real pictures and names for authenticity and to build loyalty; fake ones could lower trust.


Customer testimonials may seem like they aren’t of much use or priority, but they can provide social proof. Choose where you position your testimonials (i.e. on your homepage) and get to the point. Make sure you regularly ask for new ones, too.


Important Consideration: The information provided by our expert team is designed to give you a general understanding of the website creation process and the features available to you. It's important to note that this information is not a substitute for professional advice tailored to your specific needs and goals.
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