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Wie man eine Website mit KI erstellt

Olena Romanova

Beginnen Sie Ihre Online-Geschäftsreise mit “How to Create a Website with AI”. Diese einfach zu befolgende Anleitung zeigt Ihnen den gesamten Prozess zur Erstellung und zum Start einer Online-Geschäftsplattform mit dem innovativen Hocoos AI Website Builder.

Am Ende des Artikels wissen Sie Schritt für Schritt, wie Sie mit AI eine Website erstellen, und dass jeder mit nur wenigen Klicks in wenigen Minuten eine Business-Website erstellen kann (und ein paar kurzen Fragen!)

Die wichtigsten Punkte

  • KI vereinfacht Webdesign: Entdecken Sie, wie KI-Website-Builder wie Hocoos dazu führen, dass fehlende Programmierkenntnisse kein Hindernis mehr für die Erstellung einer professionellen Website darstellen.
  • Kosteneffektiv und zeitsparend: Erfahren Sie, wie die Erstellung von KI-Websites Zeit und Ressourcen spart, wobei Hocoos Ihnen hilft, in wenigen Minuten von der ersten Idee zur Live-Website zu gelangen.
  • Personalisierung auf Knopfdruck: Erfahren Sie, wie Sie Ihre Website mit anpassbaren Vorlagen und benutzerfreundlichen Bearbeitungstools personalisieren und an Ihre einzigartige Markenidentität anpassen können.
  • SEO-bereite Websites: Erhalten Sie Einblicke in die integrierten SEO-Tools von Hocoos AI, damit Ihre Website von Anfang an online gefunden wird.

Erstellen Sie eine Website mit KI

Hallo, angehende Website-Ersteller! Sie sind also bereit, Ihre Träume vom eigenen Online-Business zu verwirklichen? Dann sind Sie hier genau richtig, denn wir haben den perfekten Leitfaden für Sie!

In diesem Beitrag führen wir Sie durch die einfachen Schritte zur Erstellung einer Online-Präsenz für Ihr Unternehmen mit dem Hocoos AI Website Builder.

Kein Schnickschnack, keine Umstände, nur einfache Anweisungen, die Ihnen helfen, schnell und einfach eine starke Online-Präsenz mit der Kraft der künstlichen Intelligenz aufzubauen. 

Also, lehnen Sie sich zurück, entspannen Sie sich, und legen wir los mit der Erstellung Ihrer Website mithilfe von KI.

A serene and elegant skincare website interface on a soft purple backdrop. The visual focus is a close-up image of a content woman with closed eyes, suggesting relaxation and satisfaction with her skin. Two prominent calls-to-action read 'STORE' and 'TAKE AN APPOINTMENT', inviting user engagement. A tagline 'Take pleasure in your own skin' sits above, while below, a reassuring phrase 'Treat Yourself' with a subtext 'After all, your body is the greatest instrument you'll ever own. Why not pamper it a little?' encourages self-care. On the left side, user interface icons such as a plus sign, books, a moon, a download symbol, and a shopping cart suggest additional website functionality.
Professionelle, KI-generierte Websites sind da

Was ist eine KI-Website?

Einfach ausgedrückt, eine KI-Website wird mithilfe künstlicher Intelligenz erstellt all die langen, langweiligen, technischen Schritte in Sekundenschnelle zu erledigen. Im Grunde rationalisiert und automatisiert die KI den gesamten Prozess der Webseitenerstellung. Traditionelle Webentwicklung war zeitaufwendig und kostspielig, erforderte komplexe Programmierkenntnisse und viel zu viel technisches Know-how.

Jetzt haben KI-generierte Webseiten die Regeln des Spiels geändert, insbesondere wenn man einen kostenlosen KI-Webseiten-Builder wie Hocoos verwendet. Selbst Personen mit geringen bis gar keinen technischen Kenntnissen können schnell und einfach in wenigen Minuten eine Webseite mit KI erstellen.

Aber wie fängt man eigentlich an, wenn man eine KI-Webseite erstellen möchte?

Wie man eine Website mit KI erstellt

Die Verwendung eines AI Website Builders ist wie ein engagiertes Team von Technik- und Design-Experten, das Ihnen zur Verfügung steht und bereit ist, Ihre Ideen in die Realität umzusetzen. Es ist die perfekte Zusammenarbeit von menschlicher Kreativität und künstlicher Intelligenz, eine Kombination, die unglaubliche Webseiten kreiert.

Schauen wir uns an, wie KI-gestützte Builder den Prozess vereinfachen und professionelle Webseiten für alle zugänglich machen.

An informative graphic split into two parts on a purple background. On the left, under the heading 'BEFORE', a flowchart outlines the traditional website creation process with steps labeled 'Planning', 'Design', 'Development', 'Launch', and 'Maintenance'. On the right, labeled 'WITH AI', there's a button with a gradient from purple to teal that says 'AI, Build My Website', suggesting a simplified process through AI assistance.
Wie man eine Webseite mit KI erstellt: Vorher und nachher mit Hocoos

Schritt 1: Work out your website’s purpose and goals

Before you start building your website, it’s important to figure out why you want to create it in the first place. It might sound obvious, but understanding the purpose of your website is a pretty important first step.

Think about what you want your website to do. Do you want to share your thoughts and stories on a Persönlicher Blog? Or maybe you’re looking to sell products through an online store? Perhaps you need a booking system to manage appointments or a portfolio to showcase your work.

A user-friendly category selection screen from the Hocoos AI Website Builder. The interface, against a soft blue background, prompts 'What category best describes your website's purpose? (e.g., store, services, portfolio, blog).' A search bar invites users to 'Search a category:' with 'sport' typed in. Below are filtered results under 'Online Store' with categories like 'sports clothes store', 'sports nutrition store' selected, and 'sports shoe store'. On the left sidebar, the 'Let's Go!' button is highlighted, indicating the start of the website creation process. At the bottom, there is a 'Back to all categories' option and a 'Continue' button, guiding users to the next step after selecting 'sports nutrition store' as their business type.
The Hocoos AI Wizard helps you build a website in minutes.

When it comes to working with many types of AI, understanding what you want means you’re more likely to get it.

Schritt 2: Choose an AI website builder

Once you know what type of AI website you want, it’s time to choose an AI website builder. There are a lot of AI website builders that claim to be innovative, but really just create endless variations of the same old tired templates and useless Ipsum Lorem. 

Instead, the best website builders work with you, asking questions about what you want to create a website with AI that’s totally unique and 100% inspired by you and your needs. 

You should be using an AI website builder that offers it all, from custom domains and web hosting to blogs and booking systems. One that comes complete with AI content generation, online payments, and marketing integrations.

A promotional header for Hocoos AI Website Builder on a vibrant purple background. The bold statement 'ANYONE SHOULD BE ABLE TO HAVE A WEBSITE' is prominently displayed in the center, with the reinforcing message 'HOCOOS AI IS COMMITTED TO MAKING IT HAPPEN' underneath. A navigation bar includes options like FEATURES, CATEGORIES, COMMUNITY, RESOURCES, PRICING, and CONTACT US, with a 'Log In' button at the top right corner. The banner also features a preview of an example website for 'Organic Cosmetics' with an image of elegant skincare products and buttons for 'LEARN MORE' and 'CONTACT NOW'.
Anyone can create a website with Hocoos AI

If you didn’t know already, it’s called Hocoos AI Builder, and it has built in tools that can create your perfect business website in seconds. Hocoos is that fast, easy, and free way to create a website with AI in minutes.

Schritt 3: Create your AI Website with Hocoos

If you clicked the link above, then you already know how easy it is to create a website using AI. However, If you still need a little convincing, then you’re in the right place. 

Here we are going to show you how quick and easy it is using Hocoos to create an website with AI. 

  1. Gehen Sie zu Hocoos.com, enter your email, and click “Create My Website”
  2. Our AI wizard will ask 8 questions about your business to help create the website you want. Questions like: 
    • Where your business is based 
    • Your websites purpose and goals
    • Unique aspects of your business 
  3. Your website is created in seconds. 
A three-part interface display showcasing the Hocoos AI Website Builder. On the left, a preview of a modern tech website with a 'New phone' advertisement, highlighting the sleek design capabilities. The middle section features the Hocoos branding and a step in the website creation process, asking for the business location with options for 'Service area' and 'Online business only'. The right segment shows a call-to-action 'Collect awesome testimonials'. Below this, users can choose their website's style with three visual options, select a color palette from a variety of swatches, and pick font pairs like 'Oxanium and Roboto' or 'Iglastar and Heebo'. A 'Create my website' button at the bottom signals the next step in the easy website creation journey.
How to create a website with AI

And that’s it. Just answer 8 quick question about your business, and the Hocoos AI wizard builds your website in seconds. 

Schritt 4: Edit your AI Website

Once you’ve created your Hocoos AI Website, you can personalize it even more if you want. Our super simple desktop editor makes it easy to add those finishing touches, making everything perfect. 

Just click on the design icon inside your Hocoos editor, and a world of customization options will open up before you. You can change or create color palettes, select different fonts to make your text pop, and even blur background images for a stylish touch. 

Want to get creative? You can manually tweak the design of various website widgets to fit your style. Looking for inspiration? Then let our AI generate new designs for you. It’s like having a helpful design assistant by your side when you need them. 

A user interface for the Hocoos AI Website Builder editor with an elegant, technology-themed website preview. On the left is a navigation bar with options like 'Section', 'All pages', 'Menu', 'Store', 'Blog', 'Design', and 'Upload'. The main editor area shows a website with a header 'Live in the Future' and an image of earphones and a smartwatch. There are editor controls for 'Widget background color' and sliders for 'Adjust of your elements spacing' for top and bottom spacing. The top browser bar includes options 'Back to Dashboard', 'Use custom domain', and 'View website', facilitating ease of site customization and management.
How to Create a website with AI

With Hocoos AI, editing your website is a breeze. Make it uniquely yours, and watch it come to life with your personal touch.

Schritt 5: Customize Content & Features

The Hocoos user-friendly editor makes it super simple to add new content and features to your website or edit the ones our AI wizard created for you. 

You can easily add text, images, videos, contact forms, social media integrations, embedded Spotify playlists, and much more. You can also create multiple pages, set up navigation menus, and organize your content effortlessly.

A screenshot of the Hocoos AI Website Builder interface with a focus on 'Hocoos Apps'. The sidebar on the left highlights navigation tabs like 'Dashboard', 'Marketing', 'Apps', and 'Settings'. The main panel shows app options such as 'Store', 'Blog', 'Facebook pixels', and 'Google Tag Manager', each with a brief description and an 'Activate' button. The top menu of the browser window and the Hocoos logo are visible, enhancing the branded experience. On the right, a 'View all' link and a knowledge base section titled 'Explore Hocoos knowledge' with several options, such as 'Coupon settings', 'Adding items to the store', and a 'Read more' link, provide additional resources.
How to create a website with AI

If you didn’t do it when building your website with the AI wizard, you can even add extra functionality like blogs, online stores, or booking systems with just a few quick clicks. The Hocoos editor lets you do it all! 

Schritt 6: Für SEO optimieren

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) plays a crucial role in improving your website’s visibility on search engines. The Hocoos AI wizard is constantly making updates based on the best SEO practices to ensure your website gets found.

How to create a website with AI

You can also head to the SEO in the Marketing section of your Hocoos Dashboard, where you’ll find tools to help guide you through optimizing your website. You can easily add or edit keywords, URLs, and meta tags & descriptions. 

Was sind die Vorteile der Erstellung einer Website mit KI?

It doesn’t matter if you’re a solopreneur, a start-up, or a well-established company, Hocoos AI’s got you covered.

If the benefits aren’t already crystal clear, check out the amazing advantages when you choose Hocoos to create a website with AI today.

Zeit- und Kosteneffizienz: 

Hocoos AI website builder makes the whole website creation process quicker and easier than ever, saving you time and money compared to traditional website building methods. After all, you can create and host a basic website for free with Hocoos in under 5 minutes. Pretty impressive, right?!

Benutzerfreundliche Oberfläche: 

AI-powered platforms like Hocoos provide intuitive interfaces making website creation accessible to everyone. No more tedious and confusing code to get your business online. When you create a website with AI, it’s as easy as getting someone else to do it for you.

Professionelles Design: 

Working alongside AI design tools, you can create visually appealing, modern websites and online stores without the need for design skills. If you can picture what you want, you can create it with AI, from portfolio website to a fully fledged online store.

Responsiv und mobilfreundlich: 

With Hocoos, your AI website is beautiful, no matter how you look at it. All Hocoos websites are designed to be responsive, ensuring a perfect user experience across different devices and screen sizes.

Feature Filled:

While you can create and host your Hocoos AI website for free, we also offer a Premium Account with every tool you could ever need. 

For a flat monthly fee of $15 you can access all our Premium Features, including Online Payments, Marketing Integrations, Full AI Content Generation, Email Marketing, and much more. 

Want more? Then get an annual Premium Account for $150 and Hocoos will give you two months free and your own custom domain name. Now that’s magic. 


We’ve journeyed through the innovative world of AI website creation, exploring the simplicity and efficiency of bringing your online business to life with Hocoos AI Website Builder.

By breaking down the barriers to web design, Hocoos AI ensures that your path to a professional and polished web presence is as smooth as it is swift.

Embrace the power of AI and join the ranks of successful entrepreneurs who’ve made their mark online.

So, ready to launch your dream website and propel your business into the digital spotlight? Don’t wait! Head over to Hocoos AI Website Builder now, and let the magic of AI transform your vision into a stunning online reality.

Start your journey today and watch your business flourish online. Create Your Website with Hocoos AI.

Häufig gestellte Fragen (FAQs)

Q1. Can I create an online store website with AI?

A1. Absolutely! Hocoos AI website builder has all the AI tools you need to effortlessly create an online store in seconds and makes connecting it with your existing PayPal or Stripe account simple. 

F2. Are AI websites customizable?

A2. Yes, Hocoos AI website builder creates highly unique and completely customizable designs. You can modify your site’s entire look, add or remove sections, and personalize your website according to your preferences.

F3. Do I need coding knowledge to create an AI website?

A3. No, coding knowledge is not required here at Hocoos. Our wizard has all the AI tools and coding knowledge to create your website for you, eliminating the need for complex coding skills.

Q4. Are AI websites SEO-friendly?

A4. Yes, Hocoos AI websites include ai powered built-in SEO tools to optimize your website for search engines, enhancing its visibility online. Our website builder also guides you on how make mannual SEO improvements.

Q5. Can I switch AI website builders in the future?

A5. It’s often not possible to switch from one AI website builder to another as they are usually built on their own technical framework, making it impossible to migrate your content and design. Choosing the right platform from the start is the best bet to avoid complications later on.

Autor kennenlernen

Olena Romanova

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