What is website Visual Hierarchy?

4 min to read

Website visual hierarchy is the control of the elements in any design to capture the attention of users, and they have to do this in a specific order of significance.

Such a strategy provides data and interpretation in a way that is targeted toward better understanding and faster analysis, which could in turn influence design effectiveness.

Deep Dive:
Consider the visual hierarchy as a street map for your readers’ eyes. The most important parts of the visual text should be the largest and most noticeable elements while the least important details can be rather small and discreet.
Key Takeaways:
  • Combining visual elements in specific arrangements helps in understanding the content at hand
  • Learn how to use size, contrast, placement, and whitespace and use it to your advantage
  • Stay focused on your message and think over what elements will be crucial, before even starting to design
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What four things affect website visual hierarchy?

Four key factors that affect webiste visual hierarchy are:

  • Size: Bigger elements will be seen and perceived quickly.

  • Contrast: Color, shape, or texture – things that differentiate one thing from another.

  • Placement: The location of an element affects how seriously it is perceived.

  • Whitespace: The blank area surrounding elements assists in shaping and directing the eye toward elements.
Pro Tip:
Create effective visual hierarchies with a combination of some of the mentioned parameters above, or even more.

What are the six principles of visual hierarchy?

The six principles of visual hierarchy are outlined below:

  • Scale: Variation of the scale of its components influences the appearance, as well as assists in accentuating content.

  • Proximity: Placing related items near each other implies a relation.

  • Alignment: The orderly coordination of the components promotes a form or visual order.

  • Repetition: Repeatedly employing previous visual elements aids in reinforcing your thoughts and ideas.

  • Color: Colors can be used strategically to make the viewers focus their attention on them.

  • Texture: Implementing texture and pattern has the potential to influence the visual characteristics and differentiation of creative outputs.
Pro Tip:
Grab a pencil and paper and sketch your thoughts on the design to test how the hierarchy can change depending on the composition of the elements.

How can you create a visual hierarchy?

It is important to create a visual hierarchy while communicating and interacting with the end-user of the design. This is how you can do it:

  • Define your message: Decide what is the most crucial information you would want to put across.

  • Hierarchy of elements: Establish the order of the elements concerning the message.

  • Direct the viewer: Use the guiding factors like size, contrast, placement, and whitespace effectively.

  • Refine and repeat: Collect feedback and make changes until the hierarchy is useful.
Pro Tip:
Incorporate a squint test for your visual hierarchy. The main visual aspects should still be noticeable even if the user narrows their eyes.

What are some common mistakes to avoid when creating a visual hierarchy?

Though it may seem simple to set a visual hierarchy, there is room for mistakes; here is what you can do:

  • Too many competing elements: To help reduce cognitive fatigue for the audience, try to keep the design as simple and uncluttered as possible.

  • Lack of contrast: Make use of visual elements to present information to the users in such a way, that it is possible to distinguish the importance of the information displayed.

  • Inconsistent alignment: Be neat, organized, and consistent as it helps avoid chaos.

  • Ignoring whitespace: Provide enough space to allow users to move about comfortably.
Deep Dive:
Less is often more. Don’t be afraid to simplify your design and remove non-positive use of elements to have a better visual structure.

Are there any tools or resources that can help designers create effective visual hierarchies?

For constructive visual hierarchies, a variety of tools and resources can be used:

  • Grid systems

  • Typography tools

  • Wireframing and prototyping tools

  • User testing

These instruments allow users to arrange parts, choose typefaces, and take feedback.

Pro Tip:
To gain insights and view practical illustrations, look for site resources and online guides on visual hierarchy for visual assistance among others.


Using visual hierarchy correctly can increase the level of order found in your designs, thus making it easier for viewers to locate information. These include size, contrast, placement, and even whitespace. It is practice and exploration that help in the creation of designs that accurately convey the message intended.


Important Consideration: The information provided by our expert team is designed to give you a general understanding of the website creation process and the features available to you. It's important to note that this information is not a substitute for professional advice tailored to your specific needs and goals.
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