What is website Sticky Header?

3 min to read

A sticky header is a website navigation bar that remains visible at the top of the screen no matter how far you scroll down the page.

It allows constant access to important links and functions, which influences the perception and movement of the user.

Pro Tip:
Ensure proper contrast between your sticky header and the main content by adjusting the background color and text colors.
Key Takeaways:
  • Sticky headers may be used as navigation aids in a website
  • They are common in websites with large amounts of information or have complicated navigation
  • There is a need to use the technology with care so that such problems as blocking of certain content do not occur and the technology works effectively
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What is the advantage of using a sticky header?

The usage of website sticky header may impact user experience allowing them to have constant access to important navigational elements while reading through the content. Eliminating the need to scroll back to the top of long web pages may contribute to better user interaction and decrease frustration from scrolling all the way up to the top. 

Pro Tip:
Make sure to incorporate an active call to action in your sticky header to motivate the users.

When should you use a sticky header?

Sticky headers on website should be used when:

  • Websites with extensive content: Those that require more vertical scrolling from the users in order to see all the information presented.

  • E-commerce websites:  These websites use sticky headers to make important site features readily accessible to users throughout their browsing experience.

  • Websites with complex navigation: Though a sticky header can help with the orientation of users on sites where there are many pages or sections, it must be ensured they do not block the important parts.

  • Websites that prioritize user experience: Sticky headers can serve a practical purpose in enhancing user experience and reach, however, their use should be well thought out concerning possible negative outcomes.
Deep Dive:
Taking into account the user activity and the objectives of the website, study whether a sticky header is necessary for your case.

Are there any potential drawbacks to using a sticky header?

Yes. Sticky headers are great for offering fast and easy access to navigation and information; however, how they should be implemented is an issue that needs to be thought through to prevent drawbacks like coverage of content on smaller screens or page design flexibility as well as loading time.

Pro Tip:
Employ a transparent or semi-transparent background on your sticky header to reduce the obstruction of content.

How can I ensure my sticky header works well on mobile devices?

When making a sticky header mobile, focus on the most important elements, create a responsive design, enable touch controls, and provide collapsible menus. 

Proper and sufficient testing and optimization of performance are also necessary to avoid negative user experiences with the various systems that the application will be deployed.


Sticky headers are one of the characteristics of the site that have an impact on the usability and overall functionality of the site.

They ensure users have continuous access to relevant objects which in turn can impact the efficiency of browsing, user retention, and the general experience on the website.

It is recommended to implement sticky headers to enhance the potential usability of your site.


Important Consideration: The information provided by our expert team is designed to give you a general understanding of the website creation process and the features available to you. It's important to note that this information is not a substitute for professional advice tailored to your specific needs and goals.
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