What is a Product Image? 

3 min to read

A product image is a visual representation of the product on the website. Sales online largely depend on product images, as they are responsible for visually providing all the characteristics, quality, and value the products will bring to consumers.

Brand identity and personality are also embodied in product images, giving consumers a perception of how and what the brand communicates.

Product images are unquestionably vital in an online environment, such as the digital marketplace, because physical interaction with the product is impossible.

Pro Tip:
When photo-shooting your products, portray them from different angles to provide a more rounded and enticing view of the product.
Key Takeaways:
  • More product images lead to higher conversion rates, building trust and confidence in your brand
  • Great product images are clear, well-lit, large enough to zoom in, showcase features, highlight design, and show different colors
  • Generate product images in different sizes and formats for mobile, tablet, and desktop

How do product images increase sales? 

According to studies, there is a connection between the number of product images and the conversion rates. Products with multiple images tend to have higher conversion rates, reinforcing that consumers are more inclined to purchase if they have a visual representation of the product.

Product images play an important role in building consumer trust. Superior quality photography compels consumers to purchase because product images foster the idea that the brand is professional.

While visual appeal is important to entice and attract customers, images with low illumination or resolution may discourage potential buyers from purchasing.

Pro Tip: 
Maximize your e-commerce conversion rates by prioritizing high-quality product images.

What are the key elements of a great product image? 

The key elements to excel a product image are listed below:

  • Clear and well-lit: When taking photos of your product, ensure the image is precise (corresponding with reality, with no Photoshop-altering structure, for instance) and has enough light to display all the details.

  • Large enough to zoom in on the details: Product images should be in a file size that allows a good quality zoom-in. This way, customers eye-inspect the product closely and notice the quality of the materials and craftsmanship. 

  • Showcase the product features: The pictorial representation of the product should exhibit the characteristics of your product so that the customer can identify its purpose and utilization of the product.

  • Highlight the product design: The goal of a photo session should be to spotlight all the product designs so customers can examine the details of the product.

  • Show the product in different colors: Product images should offer a visualization of the colors of a product, allowing customers to choose the one of their preference.
Pro Tip:
Keep in mind the variety of devices when generating product images. Showcase your products with different image formats and sizes to ensure compatibility with tablets, mobile phones, and desktop computers.


Product images are your chance to give the customers all possible visual information about your product, as buyers cannot physically interact with them. By offering good quality product images, you reduce customer’s doubts regarding the details they need to know before purchasing a product. Be thoughtful regarding product images as they impact your online store performance and the audience’s brand perception.


Important Consideration: The information provided by our expert team is designed to give you a general understanding of the website creation process and the features available to you. It's important to note that this information is not a substitute for professional advice tailored to your specific needs and goals.
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