What is a Mood Board?

4 min to read

A mood board is a collage used to express with visuals a concept or idea of the design. It resembles a visual thinking session, revealing the intended atmosphere using images, shapes, colors, and forms to set the mood.

Using this visual tool facilitates the expression of concepts, promotes creative thought, and guarantees that all participants have the same understanding of the aesthetic aspect of the project.

Deep Dive:
A mood board is a visual narrative that captures the core of your project without using words.
Key Takeaways:
  • Mood boards effectively overcome the communication gaps, ensuring everyone is on the same page visually
  • Mood boards support design choices and boost creativity, allowing the projects to remain consistent and focused
  • Regardless of experience level, from professionals to hobbyists, everyone can benefit from mood boards to enhance and visualize their creative work
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What are the benefits of using mood boards in design?

Mood boards build a bridge in communication that leads to the following benefits:

  • Enhanced Communication: Mood boards are tools that help transition thoughts into visual concepts, and as a result, the design intent is clear to everyone involved.

  • Inspiration and Direction: They serve as a starting point for the imagination and inspire a range of ideas related to the project.

  • Cohesion and Consistency: Mood boards maintain design consistency among the components so the end product looks neat and harmonious.

  • Client Engagement: Including clients in the creation impacts their satisfaction as it increases the chances of a project that understands the vision and delivers an outstanding result.
Pro Tip:
Utilize mood boards in the beginning stages of designing a project to ensure a clear vision and avoid future costly revisions.

How to make a mood board?

To make a mood board, you can follow the steps listed below:

  1. Define your vision: Be clear when expressing the reason behind your project. Also, determine your target audience and the outcome you expect to achieve.

  1. Find and collect what inspires you: Gather all the images, colors, textures, and words from different sources that appeal to your idea.

  1. Put the elements together: Select the most relevant pieces and arrange them properly on a physical or digital board.

  1. Iterate and refine: Review and make further adjustments to your mood board, trying various compositions and arrangements.

  1. Seek feedback: Share your mood board to get feedback and check if it conveys your ideas effectively.
Pro Tip:
• Be adventurous and try out various mediums and textures on your mood board so it has more depth and volume.

• Think about user experience (UX): While collaging imagery for your website mood board, consider how the images impact the user journey and the site as a whole.

Are there different types of mood boards?

Yes. Mood boards vary in what they focus on and the format.


  • Physical vs. Digital: Physical mood boards utilize physical materials, while digital ones utilize software or online sites to create them.
  • Concept vs. Reference: Concept mood boards present the overall mood and aesthetic of the project, while reference mood boards show detailed design elements, including color or typography.
  • Website Style Tile: When considering the website design, it is advisable to create a style tile. A style tile is a variation of the mood board concentrating on the aspects of the website, including its buttons and typefaces, colors and UI elements, etc.
Pro Tip: 
• The choice of a mood board type depends upon the project’s requirements and the preferences of your brand or client.

• Website aesthetics matter! Website visitors tend to return when they are pleased with the visuals of a website.

What are some tips for creating an effective mood board?

The creation of a compelling mood board carries the following elements:

  • Start with a clear objective: Identify the project’s goals and the target audience from the beginning.

  • Be selective: Select components that support the idea and evoke the targeted emotions.

  • Be attentive to the composition: Compose elements to achieve a balance and a visual hierarchy that leads the users’ eyes.

  • Aim for mixed perspectives: Present your mood board to people to receive feedback and help while improving your idea.

Pro Tip: 
Use keywords or short descriptions to annotate your mood board. Annotations will clarify the reasons behind the choices made.

Can I find inspiration for mood boards online?

Surely! Pinterest, Instagram, or other websites designed concerning pictorial content can be a gold mine of visual ideas. You can also look for ideas in nature, magazines, and your environment.

Pro Tip: 
Invest in creating a Pinterest board or a folder on your computer dedicated to the inspiring pictures and ideas you encounter.


Mood boards rate high on the list of creative design tools. They act as a link between an idea and a finished design, keeping impressions clear and alleviating creativity while fostering the unity of a project. 

Whether you are a beginner or have an outstanding experience, utilize mood boards as part of your work. It helps achieve better results and attract more visitors to your website. Enjoy the power of mood boards to enlighten your imagination and allow mood boards to guide you through the design process.


Important Consideration: The information provided by our expert team is designed to give you a general understanding of the website creation process and the features available to you. It's important to note that this information is not a substitute for professional advice tailored to your specific needs and goals.
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