What is a Design Style Guide?

4 min to read

A design style guide acts as a rulebook that helps define the brand’s visual identity. It provides consistent rules for all visual elements, from how to use the logo and its colors to fonts and pictures; it is an effort to ensure a harmonious brand experience across all touchpoints.

Brand recognition and trust largely depend on this consistency. When consumers notice the same look and feel of the brand everywhere, it creates a lasting impression in the audience’s minds.

Deep Dive:

• A style guide optimizes the design process, eliminating the time and effort spent on guess and error.

Pro Tip:
• Consider making a digital version of your style guide as it is convenient and easy to use.
• If it is your first time creating a style guide, there are various templates that you can use as a guide when crafting your own.
Key Takeaways:
  • Design style guide = memorable brand
  • A design style guide is the central reference for all brand materials.
  • Develop clear guidelines
  • Cover core visual elements like logos, colors, and typography.
  • Boost effectiveness
  • A design style guide helps save time and resources.
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Why is a design style guide important?

A design style guide is a factor in maintaining a consistent brand identity. It acts like a guide that helps the team who creates brand elements and other materials to maintain a consistent brand image.

It also helps eliminate any problems in the design process while helping save time and resources by following precise guidance and definitions.

Pro Tips:
• Consider the design style guide your brand’s DNA — it defines the visual identity, and the design elements are always consistent in every communication.

• A well-designed style guide will encourage even those who do not have a design background to create on-brand materials, enhancing consistency.

What should you put into a brand style guide?

Add all the standard visual elements that make up your brand to the brand style guide:

  • Logo Usage: Give instructions on how to apply logos, such as the placement and color alternatives, while highlighting what not to do.

  • Color Palette: Establish primary and secondary brand colors and give the appropriate codes (hex, CMYK, and other variations, if applicable).

  • Imagery: Provide guidelines for pictures and graphics, including style, tone, and themes.

  • Voice and Tone: Provide the guidelines on how your brand communicates, its nature, mood, and language of choice.
Deep Dive:
Brand personality characteristics: Is your brand friendly? Authoritative? Playful?

Language policies: Is there room to use jargon? Are contractions acceptable? What’s the brand’s tone of voice?

Example phrases or taglines: Give clear examples of how the brand voice is in practice.
Pro Tips:
• In the brand book use examples of the key elements in different contexts, such as on the website, social media platforms, and print materials.

• Confirm that everyone who needs the style guide has effortless access to it.

How do you create a brand style guide?

When you work on the creation of a style guide, it is crucial to:

  • Collect the existing brand assets; 

  • Brainstorm and define your brand personality;

  • Set the rules that the team must follow.
Pro Tip:
As your business grows, regularly evaluate and revise your existing style guide.

What are some examples of effective design style guides?

Many famous companies have their style guides available to the public that showcase best practices:

  • Apple: Features a clean and uncluttered look. Apple focuses on clarity and simplicity, which reflects its brand values of refinement and user-friendliness.

  • Airbnb: Warm and friendly, showcasing people or community and using friendly language, building a sense of belonging.

  • Mailchimp: Fun and unconventional, utilizing bright illustrations that showcase the brand’s character.
Pro Tips:
• A closer look at these examples can inspire insights and generate ideas regarding your style guide.

• Check the style guides of your industry to get insight into how to approach and solve specific problems.

• Clarity, brevity, and ease of usability are the hallmarks of the best style guides.


A design style guide is a vital element of your brand identity that must receive proper attention and dedication. The guide is a passive support where any communication, be it a website, social media posts, marketing materials, or product packaging, must embody the brand essence. 

A good style guide is an excellent investment, as it gives your website consistency, provides team autonomy, eases the design process, and builds a uniform brand experience that connects with the target audience.

Embark on creating your style guide right now and enjoy the benefits of a coherent and powerful brand.


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