What is a website tooltip?

4 min to read

A tooltip is a concise message that contains relevant details to the users, usually displayed in a small window only when the cursor is placed over certain elements on the website or application and aims to enhance usability.

It works by supplementing the existing information on the screen while avoiding crowding the screen, which can happen if many little messages are left for the users.

Deep Dive:
Picture tooltips as soft voices that quietly provide context and direction without pausing the active task of the user.
Key Takeaways:
  • Tooltips provide users with relevant info in a concise format when they hover over or click on it
  • Ensure appropriate measures are observed while designing any attached tooltips by making them visible and positioning them in relative proximity
  • Tooltips give navigation further support by giving additional details and explanations but should not be the only method of navigating
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Why should you use tooltips?

Tooltips can affect user experience on websites and applications by presenting brief descriptions of complicated functionalities, highlighting relevant but frequently hidden choices, and streamlining navigational steps for diverse individual users.

Deep Dive:
Whenever there is an important point that requires special attention and engagement from the user, instead of explaining everything in it, communication can be made through tooltips.

How do tooltips work?

Most commonly, you activate a tooltip by hovering your mouse over some element. On a touch screen, you might do a tap instead. When you hover your mouse over an element, a tooltip displays the box with the information, and moving the mouse away will make the tooltip disappear.

Pro Tip:
Depending on the user’s intentional actions while navigating, a small delay in the tooltip presentation is beneficial.

Where should tooltips be placed?

The position of the tooltip should be easily noticeable without obstructing any other page components; it typically appears over, under, or to the sides of the hovered-on element.

Deep Dive:
Don’t simply rely on one or more predetermined tooltip positions – it’s advisable to test these variations on the tooltip’s positions.

What are the best practices for designing tooltips?

Best practices for designing tooltips usually cover the following topics: 

  • Keep your responses concise: Avoid exceeding a reasonable length.

  • Employ straightforward language: Avoid using jargon or overly technical terms.

  • Make it relevant for your user: Align the message to the button the user is hovering over.

  • Universal Usability: Ensure your tooltips can be accessible to people with disabilities.

  • Legibility: Design the tooltip with a clear background and text contrast to ensure easy reading.
Pro Tip:
Make sure to use the same style for all the tooltips on your website or app to make it look polished.

Can a tooltip be a button?

Sometimes! In standard use, tooltips are only for information purposes, although there can be links or buttons within them as well. This enables one to perform actions from within the tooltip but don’t get carried away with the buttons either – too many of them can be overwhelming.

Deep Dive:
It is best to only provide interactive tooltips when there are crucial tasks to be completed or space is constrained.

Are there any accessibility considerations for tooltips?

Yes! Tooltips are within the principles of web accessibility and if you plan to create them, here are some key points to bear in mind:

  • Keyboard Accessibility: Tooltips should be enabled, navigated, and closed through keyboard input, ensuring accessibility for users with limited mouse functionality.

  • Optimize for Screen Readers: It’s recommended that tooltip content can be read out by a screen reader and be comprehensible to visually impaired users. This usually entails the use of quite several ARIA attributes and or labels.

  • Contrast: The text on the tooltip and the background must have enough color differentiation for people with low vision to comfortably look at such content.

  • Management of Focusing: Upon a given tooltip being activated, it must be possible to put the focus on that tooltip so that users using a keyboard can browse its contents which may have interactive features.

Remember: design is more effective when it considers the needs of all users, including those with disabilities. It is equally important to note that access to information that has been provided via tooltips should be inclusive to all, regardless of one’s abilities.


Tooltips are additional information that assist users in understanding and defining the purpose better. The design, position, and reach of the tooltips must be appropriate. The incorporation of effective tool tips can enhance the interaction and navigation of the user in a digital product.


Important Consideration: The information provided by our expert team is designed to give you a general understanding of the website creation process and the features available to you. It's important to note that this information is not a substitute for professional advice tailored to your specific needs and goals.
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