What are Flexible Images?

7 minuti per la lettura

Flexible images are designed to adapt their appearance to fit the dimensions of their container, minimizing distortion and overflow across different screen sizes.

Considering the prevalence of diverse screen sizes in modern technology, ranging from large desktop monitors to small smartphone screens, this set of features holds importance for websites today.

Punti chiave:
  • Images that can fit any aspect ratio are required by modern sites
  • Use CSS for the flexibility needed
  • Granular control is provided via the srcset attribute
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How do I make images flexible using CSS?

A CSS rule is provided for the flexibility of images:


img {
  max-width: 100%;
  height: auto;

This piece of code effectively instructs the browser to prevent the image from becoming larger than the container from which it is held while also maintaining its height so that the original aspect ratio is preserved.

Consiglio da professionista: 
If you want more flexibility in how images resize, you can add CSS media queries to adjust style sheets for specific screen resolutions.

What is the srcset attribute and how does it relate to flexible images?

The srcset attribute enables you to specify several variations of an image that have different resolutions so that the most appropriate version is loaded based on the screen size and resolution of the user. Serving the most suitable image version affects performance speed and user experience.

Consiglio da professionista: 
Using both srcset and the sizes modifiers will allow you to convey even more information to the browser about the most suitable image source to use.

What are the benefits of using flexible images?

Flexible images, when implemented under certain circumstances, may lead to:

  • Image rendering: Images are processed to maintain clarity and visibility on various devices and screen resolutions.

  • Page optimization: The browser adjusts image sizes to potentially reduce data consumption.

Consiglio da professionista: 
Consider using modern image formats like WebP or AVIF for further performance gains, as they offer better compression than traditional formats like JPEG or PNG.

Are there any potential drawbacks or considerations when using flexible images?

Although responsive images are a good practice in most cases, some considerations must be taken:

  • Complessità: While responsive images offer advantages, they can add complexity to code due to srcset and tags.

  • Art direction: In some cases, images will have to be edited in several different ways and stored as separate files so that they look good when resized.

  • Browser versatility: Even though most modern browsers can handle responsive images, some older ones do not, which means you need to create scalers for them.

While responsive images do have some potential drawbacks, their benefits seem to carry more weight in the overall equation. Flexible images play a crucial role in ensuring that the contemporary webpage is easy to navigate and use, which is essential for user experience.


In our contemporary context, where everyone accesses information from different devices, responsive images are a common need rather than a luxury. If you want a more consistent user experience across screen sizes, there are some simple CSS techniques and the srcset attribute that you can use. These techniques might improve the visual presentation and responsiveness of your website on a variety of devices, but remember that many other factors contribute to the overall user experience.



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