What is Website Sticky Navigation?

4 min to read

Sticky navigation refers to a navigation element embedded on a web page that remains fixed on a defined position, typically the top of the screen even when the user scrolls down.

Sticky navbars affect how users interact with your website as navigation becomes less difficult due to the availability of the essential links they frequently use.

Deep Dive:
Sticky navbars are especially helpful for long pages or websites with lots of content.
Key Takeaways:
  • Enhance browsing and interaction on content-heavy websites by incorporating a sticky navigation bar
  • Create a minimalist, straightforward, and usable navigation bar that functions across different screen sizes
  • Based on user analysis and user feedback, monitor and adjust your navigation bar design for the best possible outcome
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When should I consider using sticky navigation on my website?

The decision of whether and when to use website sticky navigation depends on several factors, including the nature and scope of your website.

Consider adding a sticky navigation bar to your website when:

  • Your website is content-heavy.

  • There is a clear-cut call to action, like a ‘Sign Up’ button, that you want to be visible.

  • You want to enhance user experience and assist in easy navigation of your website.

Consider implementing a sticky navbar on your website as it may not be necessary in case your website is short and simple.

Pro Tip:
A/B test your available website with a sticky navbar and without it and measure the impact of each version on user interaction and conversions.

What are some best practices for designing an effective sticky navigation bar?

Designing effective sticky navigation bars requires adequate user research and attention to detail.

Consider these when designing your website’s sticky navbar:

  • Be concise: Just add the links you consider important.

  • Label everything clearly: Stick to simple language and do not use complex terminology.

  • Ensure adaptability: Sticky navbars should function across different devices.

  • Height measurements: Avoid obstructing much of the content of your web page.

  • Assess: A sticky navbar should not overlap other elements of your web page.
Pro Tip:
Use colors that are distinct in nature for the website content and the sticky navbar as it affects its visibility.

How does sticky navigation impact website accessibility?

Sticky navbars may impact the accessibility aspect of your website, which is why it is recommended to follow the W3C regulations to ensure you deliver an optimal performance that reaches all users. Here are extra considerations:

  • Sticky navbars should provide keyboard users with easy navigation for optimal usability.

  • Screen readers should be able to navigate your website.

  • A good contrast with the background should be maintained for better visualization.

  • It is important to ensure that the sticky navbar will not interfere with the visibility of the surrounding content.   
Pro Tip: 
For optimal results, follow W3C regulations, such as the WCAG guidelines, when designing your sticky navbar. 

Can you provide examples of websites that use sticky navigation effectively?

Utilization of sticky navigation is a common practice on most websites to enhance user experience. Here are three examples of web pages you can access and learn from: 

Watch & Learn: Find out how the sites mentioned above are using sticky navigation and take them as a source of inspiration.

Deep Dive: 
Research the sticky navbars of your competitors or start-ups in other niches to discover what works and what does not.

How to create a sticky navbar?

Implementing a sticky navbar typically requires some familiarity with CSS.

If you are unfamiliar with programming, website builders like Hocoos AI offer creators the option to design the sticky navbar and adjust the scroll settings as you desire to display to your users.

Pro Tip:
When coding a sticky navbar, make sure to make use of CSS position: sticky instead for better browser support and speed.


A sticky navigation bar is a website element that remains visible during scrolling, assisting users in navigating effectively and can increase engagement. When it provides users with easy access to different sections of the website, consequently other user metrics are also affected such as satisfaction with the service, return visits, engagement, and even conversions. The appearance and functionality of the sticky navbar types can also influence user experience. It’s important to keep an eye on the potential impact on the page load time but offering a smooth sticky navbar with broad information should lead visitors to a joyful experience.


Important Consideration: The information provided by our expert team is designed to give you a general understanding of the website creation process and the features available to you. It's important to note that this information is not a substitute for professional advice tailored to your specific needs and goals.
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