What is Website Content Outsourcing?

5 min to read

Website content outsourcing involves hiring freelancers, agencies, and other external professionals for blog posts, social media content, and other things.

Companies outsource to access specific skills and use less time to produce content; in-house content teams are often expensive.

Types of outsourced content can also include:

• Product descriptions

• Landing page copy

• Newsletters

Key Takeaways:
  • Flexible outsourcing
  • Determine whether you need occasional blog posts, a full content strategy, or something in between.
  • Choosing who to outsource to
  • Choose freelancers or agencies based on expertise and whether they fit into your budget. You should also look at factors like reliability and communication.
  • Beyond writing
  • Outsource short-form videos for social media and other types of long-form content like videos and podcasts.
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Should I hire a copywriter for my website?

A copywriter can be a worthy investment and help you craft high-quality content that converts, but you must strictly vet anyone you hire. Copywriters should specialize within your niche and know key industry terms, and if possible, you should hire one who knows your target audience. 

Despite the benefits of copywriters, the best ones can be quite expensive – but there are alternatives. If you’re on a tighter budget, consider content agencies’ bundled services or hire a freelance writer. Again, you should find specialists in your niche. 

Should you outsource content writing or use in-house writers?

Choosing between outsourcing and using in-house writers depends on these factors: 

  • Budget

  • Content volume 

  • Expertise requirements 

  • Flexibility 

Outsourcing is something to consider if you need a more cost-effective solution, but finding the right fit can take some time and require experimentation. You should also look at outsourcing to freelancers and agencies if you need specific skills and want to leverage scalability. 

On the other hand, some companies might prefer working with in-house writers and only outsourcing certain aspects. In-house writers give you more control, and it can be beneficial to work with the same people, but you also have to pay for benefits and other forms of overhead (i.e. physical office space). There is also less flexibility with in-house writers, but you can balance it with outsourcing when you need one-off projects.

What are the benefits of outsourcing website content?

Some of the reasons that companies outsource website content include: 

  • Lower costs 

  • Expert access

  • Third-party perspectives 

  • Scalability 

  • Time 

Some businesses outsource specific projects (e.g. launch campaign content) so that in-house writers can focus on other things like blog posts. Outsourcing content can also plug gaps that your team might not have that could hold you back, but you may experience drawbacks unless you find experts in your field.

How much does it cost to hire someone to write website content?

Costs vary depending on experience level, industry, content type, and how much is required. Different outsourcing methods have different pricing models, too. 

Freelance writing, for example, can range from $0.05 to $1.00 per word. So, a 1,000-word blog post at $0.10 per word would cost $100. Some freelancers charge monthly retainers and others package costs for the project. 

Agencies, meanwhile, usually charge hourly rates or project fees. Get quotes and compare prices before making a decision, and negotiate if needed. 

Where can I find freelance writers or content services?

You can find freelance writers in the following places: 

  • Online marketplaces (e.g. Upwork, ProBlogger, and Fiverr)

  • Social media (e.g. Reddit, X, and LinkedIn)

  • Content and marketing agencies (e.g. Animalz and Creative Circle) 

Looking at company blogs and reaching out to freelance writers from there is another search method. 

How to choose the best-suited writers for outsource content creation?

Beyond rates, you should look for writers with the following: 

  • Strong portfolios that match your style 

  • Relevant industry experience 

  • Good communication skills and respectability 

Before hiring a writer, you should assign paid test pieces to candidates. Then, you can assess whether you should continue working together. 

Is content development outsourcing different from content outsourcing?

Yes – they are very different from each other. 

  • Content Outsourcing: Focuses on creating content; you’ll normally already have a strategy in place. 

  • Content Development Outsourcing: Strategy, planning, and distribution; it might also include SEO. 

What type of content can be outsourced for a website?

You can outsource most types of content, but you should think about your audience and not just pick based on what’s popular. We’ve already discussed blog posts, landing page copy, videos, social media posts, and videos. But you can also outsource: 

  • Graphic design 

  • Photography 

  • Research papers 


Website content outsourcing can help your business produce blog posts, videos, and more at scale – but you need to choose the right service and vet it according to your needs. Content agencies and freelance writers are often more cost-effective, but they might lack the specialized skills that a copywriter can provide.

Consider your budget, business goals, and the types of content you want to create when outsourcing. You should also compare your options with in-house writers and conduct paid trials to ensure anyone you hire is the right fit. 


Important Consideration: The information provided by our expert team is designed to give you a general understanding of the website creation process and the features available to you. It's important to note that this information is not a substitute for professional advice tailored to your specific needs and goals.
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