What is website Accordion Menu?

4 min to read

The accordion menu is a specific section website where content is arranged in the form of vertical layers that can be opened or closed at an individual level by the users.

The website accordion menu is used to prevent interface overload and ensure efficient presentation of information within a confined area.

Pro Tip:
When a section of the accordion is being labeled, be straightforward and to the point. It should truly reflect the content of that section so that users are able to locate any information they need quickly.
Key Takeaways:
  • Display your content
  • The accordion menu contributes to a cleaner presentation but still requires initial organization.
  • Tailored for mobile devices
  • These menus respond to the constraints of smaller screen dimensions.
  • User Control
  • The readers decide what to see which increases their interaction.
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How does an accordion menu impact user experience on a website?

Accordion menus impact user’s experience by:

  • Avoiding overload.

  • Playing a role in user navigation.

With accordion menus, it is up to the users to decide how much information is shown at a time.

Pro Tip:
Use visual aids such as arrows or icons to indicate which sections can be expanded or collapsed.

What are the pros and cons of accordion menus?

Accordion menus offer both advantages and disadvantages because their implementation is not one-size-fits-all, you always need to stop and consider the unique needs of your website. 


  • Space-saving

  • Improved navigation

  • Mobile-friendly

  • User-controlled content revelation


  • Potential for hidden key information

  • Can be confusing if poorly designed

  • Risk of overuse and clutter

When should you use accordion menus?

Accordions facilitate the compact organization of a large volume of content, particularly within a limited space, such as a mobile device display. 

Accordion menus should be used when:

  • You have an information page like FAQs.

  • You want to give product details.

Pro Tip:
Utilize the accordion menu for those secondary or the less frequently visited content, keeping the primary information visible.

What are examples of websites that use accordion menus effectively?

Most of the well-known sites take advantage of accordion menus for navigation purposes.
Observe the following three examples:

  • Dropbox: It uses the more traditional styled FAQ which includes an accordion-style search. Users to browse through questions only opening those they are interested in.

  • Canva: The platform used accordion menus to introduce the new features of Canva Create.

  • Many e-commerce sites: Employ accordion to display the product description, specifications, reviews, and shipping policy without cluttering the page.
Pro Tip:
Investigate other websites in your industry that have effectively incorporated accordion menus, get inspired, and make notes on what the best principles are.

Whether it is to incorporate a link to the main category page or not –  will always depend on your site’s context and construction.

The objective is to create an interface that balances ease of navigation with visual appeal, prioritizing user experience over design elements that might hinder interaction and potentially lead to frustration.

Pro Tip:
When incorporating a link to the main page, use appropriate and informative anchor texts such as “View All [Category Name]”.

How to design the perfect accordion?

An effective accordion menu design should be detail-orientated and follow a user-centric design.

Emphasize proper title structure and boundaries, descriptive icons, the possibility of scaling uniformity, and usability testing. 

The target is an accordion that is easy to navigate, looks good, and further improves the user experience rather than constraining it.

Pro Tip:
Engage the user with gentle animations when they expand or collapse sections; it helps in achieving fluidity in the user experience. 


Within a website, accordion menus can be of great help especially when there is a lot of content to display and/or if the computer screen is too small. If you pay attention to the requirements of your website and use the rules effectively, it is possible to design accordion menus that look nice as well as serve their purpose.

Remember: Accordion menus are only one design element. The effectiveness of a website is not only in the number of such elements but in adopting a comprehensive approach to the UX.


Important Consideration: The information provided by our expert team is designed to give you a general understanding of the website creation process and the features available to you. It's important to note that this information is not a substitute for professional advice tailored to your specific needs and goals.
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