What is Display Advertising?

3 min to read

Display advertising is a kind of online advertisement in which graphical components such as images, video, and animation are used in relation to the marketing of goods and services.

These ads are embedded within websites, applications, and social media.

Key Takeaways:
  • Display advertising utilizes images to reach as many users as possible on the internet
  • Utilize Custom Codes, aka HTML5, when developing display ads
  • It is important to analyze as ad performance will determine the success of display advertising
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What are examples of display ads?

Common examples of display ads are:

  • Banner advertisements

  • Pop-up advertisement

  • Online videos

  • Advertising posts on social networks

Most people will see them in the course of using the internet or mobile applications.

Deep Dive: 
For better understanding observe the display ads that you see online, focus on what makes the ad special or catches your attention.

What are the different types of “basic” display campaigns?

In general, there are a few common types of display campaigns:

  • Brand awareness campaigns: This kind of advertising focuses on making people aware of the existence of a brand and stimulating familiarity with it.

  • Remarketing campaigns: These are aimed at those users who have already visited the website/app and motivate them to come back.

  • Acquisition campaigns: Focus on gaining a different segment of customers or leads.

What are the benefits of display advertising?

Display advertisement can: 

  • Reach different audiences

  • Support brand image

  • Allow placement of ads to targeted users

  • Engage visually

  • Provide a report about the results and the performance of the ads

What is a good click-through rate (CTR) for display advertising?

The average CTR for display ads is between 0.1% to 0.3%. This means that for every 1,000 viewers of the ad, there are 1-3 clicks on it. However, the case may be different, especially in terms of your industry, placement, relevancy of the creatives, and target audience.

Pro tip:
Try again if your CTR is lower than the average. You can always improve the performance of your ads by running different tests and optimizing them regularly.

Why do you need to analyze display advertising transparently?

Analysis that is transparent demonstrates how the campaigns are performing and leads to accurate decision-making. Monitor metrics so improvement actions can be taken in order to reduce ad costs and achieve improved outcomes.

What are the 4 key features of successful display campaigns?

Routine factors that make display ad campaigns target achievers include the following:

  • Appropriate CTAs

  • Defined target audience

  • Frequent Optimisation

  • Visuals that convey the message and grab the attention

What are some common challenges and pitfalls of display advertising?

These are the factors that businesses need to constantly assess to ensure their effectiveness:

  • Banner blindness: This refers to the people who do not pay attention to adverts; it’s important to use creative and relevant advertising formats as well as well-structured messages.

  • Advertising fraud: This refers to the offering of incorrect clicks, reactions, or impressions and can be avoided by engaging with trusted and tested ad networks and platforms that have an inbuilt capability to prevent ad fraud. Be on the lookout and track campaign performance to identify unusual events.

  • Ad blockers: These features disable advertisements from being viewed; use advertising techniques that are less likely to be opposed. Examples are native advertisements or content marketing instead of ordinary ads. 


Display advertising is considered a common strategy for businesses seeking to engage their target clientele in the digital space. You may want to improve awareness of your brand, generate traffic on your site, and meet your advertising goals by using visuals, compelling CTAs, and accurate targeting. Remember: it is important to manage your results, evaluate your statistics, and improve your advertising activities continually.


Important Consideration: The information provided by our expert team is designed to give you a general understanding of the website creation process and the features available to you. It's important to note that this information is not a substitute for professional advice tailored to your specific needs and goals.
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