What is COPPA?

11 min to read

COPPA, a short name for the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act, is a US federal law that safeguards online privacy for children under 13 years old.

With COPPA, parents can control the personal information that websites and online services collect from their children.

Key Takeaways:
  • COPPA protects children under 13, meaning any website or service targeting this age group that collects their data must comply with its requirements
  • Before getting any personal information from a child it is vital to obtain verifiable parental consent
  • Complying with COPPA is crucial as violating the established regulation will lead to legal and financial issues

Who does COPPA apply to?

COPPA applies to websites and online service operators who specifically offer services or products aimed at children under 13 or even collect personal information from this age range. Third-party services that collect information through these platforms are also included in this resolution and need to comply with COPPA.

This extensive law application guides various online entities to be held responsible for children’s privacy and protection.

What Information is protected by COPPA?

Children’s personal information is protected by COPPA regarding several aspects, such as:

  • Official Identification: Title, composition of the name, home address, email, mobile number, social security number, or persistent identifiers.

  • Geolocation information: Data that can indicate the location of a child.

  • Media recordings: Any image, voice recording, or video that captures the child.

  • Other information collected online: Internet history, online search, IP addresses, and all else that would lead to an identification.

By protecting children’s information, COPPA prevents the unauthorized disclosure or use of sensitive data that would put young users at risk.

Pro Tip:
When crafting online services for children, age-screening mechanisms should be implemented to verify users’ ages and ensure your website complies with COPPA regulations.

What does COPPA require from businesses?

The COPPA requirements for businesses are the following: 

  • Make sure the privacy policy is clearly defined: Disclose to parents what information has been collected and how it will be used, as well as indicate what party will receive access to them.

  • Consent from parents: The first thing to do is to get authorization from the parents before collecting any information.

  • Full control over information: Parents must maintain control over their child’s data (e.g. power to review and whether to delete or not the information collected by the business).

  • Protect children’s information: Take the necessary measures to secure data from unauthorized access.

These regulations reinforce that businesses have to be transparent and accountable in their data collection practices. Meanwhile, parents have the power to make educated decisions regarding their children’s online activities.

Pro Tip: 
Reevaluate and update your privacy policy regularly to stay compliant with COPPA.

What are the COPPA Safe Harbor Programs, and how do they work?

COPPA Safe Harbor programs refer to self-regulatory guidelines that were developed by industry groups and received the approval of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). These programs provide businesses with non-traditional ways to comply with COPPA but they depend on the FTC to approve their guidelines.

Safe harbor programs don’t replace COPPA itself; businesses remain accountable for compliance efforts and the FTC maintains oversight to ensure these safeguards effectively protect children’s data in an ever-evolving digital landscape.

How can businesses ensure compliance with COPPA?

Businesses seeking to comply with COPPA should:

  • Craft a COPPA-compliant privacy policy: Maintain a message that is easy for your audience to comprehend. Make your privacy policy concise, clear, and uncomplicated for reading.

  • Implement verifiable parental consent mechanisms: Choose methods considered reliable and secure.

  • Familiarize your staff with the privacy policy: Provide means so everyone understands and complies with COPPA obligations.

  • Monitor compliance: Keep track of the practices within your website, regularly review them, and make sure they meet COPPA requirements. 

Stay away from legal, financial, and reputational consequences; comply with COPPA to create trust with consumers and show that businesses care about protecting children’s privacy.

What are the potential consequences of violating COPPA?

Any reputable business benefits from staying compliant with COPPA; not abiding can result in significant financial repercussions (e.g. the Federal Trade Commission can issue fines of up to $50,120 per violation).

These significant fines highlight the significance of COPPA compliance for businesses.

How can parents enforce their children’s privacy rights under COPPA?

Parents can protect the rights of their children’s privacy by:

  • Read privacy policies: Before permitting children to use any online services, it is wise to read their privacy policies in detail.

  • Talk to children: Have a conversation with your child to explain the meaning of online privacy and give them tools to safeguard their information.

  • Use parental controls: Monitor children’s online activities by using the parental control tools available.

  • Parents’ participation is crucial for a safe environment online: Promote a safe online environment by taking action; file a complaint with the FTC in case you observe a website or service violates COPPA.

By taking these measures, parents can actively protect the privacy of their children online while holding businesses accountable for their data collection and usage practices.


COPPA performs a legal framework that gives businesses and parents the necessary guidance when it comes to safeguarding children’s privacy. Considering the dangers children are exposed to online, it is fundamental that businesses and parents put effort into creating the online space a place that promotes education, learning, and fun avoiding unnecessary risks to the young audience.

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