What is an SSL Certificate?

6 min to read

An SSL certificate is a digital certificate that verifies the identity of a website and allows the establishment of a secure connection.

It’s a kind of virtual passport of your website, which guarantees the users that their information is secure during transmission.

Pro Tip:
To check if a site has an SSL certificate, look at the address bar for the padlock symbol and “https://” at the beginning of the address.
Key Takeaways:
  • SSL certificates are essential for website security
  • Select the appropriate type of SSL certificate for your specific requirements
  • Make sure you install and take care of the SSL certificate properly
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How do SSL certificates work?

An SSL certificate acts as a link between a user’s web browser and a web server in a manner that is secure. The connection is protected through the transfer of encryption keys, establishing secure, encrypted sessions. Thus, this prevents the leak of vital information such as passwords or credit card numbers which can be intercepted by hackers.

Deep Dive:
Even though SSL certificates solely encrypt the data when it is in transit, the same helps combat phishing attacks as it also authenticates the website in the process.

What are the different types of SSL certificates?

There are numerous divisions of SSL certificates with each one carrying characters of different levels of validation and trust, including:

  • Domain Validation (DV) Certificates: This certificate is the most simple and only confirms domain ownership. Suitable for blog pages or personal sites where the exchange of sensitive information is not expected.

  • Organization Validation (OV) Certificates: Businesses have to submit supplementary documents, which means increased trust in businesses’ offerings. They are suited for companies that operate online.

  • Extended Validation (EV) Certificates: The type of certificate that offers the utmost confidence to the users by revealing the company name in the address bar of the browser. Suited for online selling activities and financial institutions handling sensitive transactions.
Pro Tip:
While selecting an SSL certificate, you should think about the trust level you wish to project to your visitors and also the amount of sensitive material that is contained on your website.

How to get an SSL certificate?

You may apply for an SSL certificate with any recognized Certificate Authority (CA). The process entails creating a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) on your web server, and then initiating the submission of this request to the Certificate Authority’s center to obtain certification.

Example: Modern website builders create websites with SSL included, and Hocoos AI is one of them. 

Deep Dive:
Research and be acquainted with providers that include free or cheap SSL certificates.


When running an online business, one of the essential tools in securing trust is the SSL certificate. The ability to ensure data protection is an important element of consumer’s faith and may have an impact on SEO. SSL certificate on your website improves its security which can also improve customer confidence.

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