What is an Add to Cart Button?

5 min to read

The add to cart button is a clickable feature on the online store that lets customers add a product to their shopping cart to buy it later.

It is a key part of the online shopping experience since it enables customers to show interest in a product easily.

Pro Tip:
An add to cart button that is visually appealing and easy to locate may impact conversion rates. Prefer strong, persuasive language, and ensure the button is easily visible and accessible.
Key Takeaways:
  • Add to cart buttons are essential elements for e-commerce websites
  • Improved button design impacts revenue generation
  • Give priority to accessibility and ensure all users browse easily
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How does an add to cart button work?

Upon hitting the add to cart button, the website records all necessary information related to the item, such as its SKU number, quantity, and selling price. The information about the item is then kept in the system under a shopping cart. This enables users to keep browsing and check their cart before proceeding to the checkout.

Example: Some notable e-commerce platforms, for instance, Hocoos and WooCommerce, come with a built-in add to cart button.

Pro Tip: 
You could also incorporate a floating button that appears when a user hovers over a product, which would ensure improved accessibility and minimized scrolling effort.

What are the different types of add to cart buttons?

There are different types of add to cart buttons which also serve a different purpose, such as:

  • Standard buttons: A straightforward button, often found below the product description.

  • Floating buttons: The button stays visible during scrolling.

  • Ajax buttons: Modifies the contents of the shopping cart without having to reload the page.

  • Custom buttons: Special design focusing on some branding or particular purposes.
Pro Tip: 
Try out various button styles and see what your audience responds to best. A/B testing can provide insights into which button designs are preferred by users.

What are some accessibility considerations for add to cart buttons?

To ensure an accessible design, add to cart buttons should be:

  • Keyboard accessible;

  • Have sufficient color contrast;

  • Appropriately sized;

  • Have descriptive alternative text.

Such considerations help make the button accessible to persons with disabilities.

Pro Tip: 
To assess the contrast of the color of your button, you can use a tool such as WebAIM’s Color Contrast Checker.


The add to cart button is an important aspect of any e-commerce website as it provides an easy method for customers to buy products. When developing a website, you should always keep customers’ shopping experience in mind, especially to boost sales and customer satisfaction. This can be done by understanding the different types of buttons available and following the guidelines designed to address the issue of accessibility and the rules of the web concerning the design and location of the buttons.

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