What is a WYSIWYG editor?

5 min to read

The abbreviation WYSIWYG stands for “What You See Is What You Get.” This is an interface that lets you modify and edit the look of a document, webpage, or file as it would appear in its final state. That is to say, this user-interface system for development purposes shows you your end product by enabling manipulation of how it looks now and what there is in it.

Although considered user-friendly and intuitive, the popularity of these editors in the desktop publishing, word processing, and web design fields may be based more on their simplicity than their complexity.

Key Takeaways:
  • Visual interface editors, like WYSIWYG, enable the creation and manipulation of content that aids in web design or document creation
  • The HTML/CSS code offers a real-time preview for non-technical users but can limit an experienced developer’s flexibility
  • As incredibly convenient as WYSIWYG editors can be, they might not give much customization and control when compared to the flexibility of hand coding
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How does a WYSIWYG editor work? 

With WYSIWYG, users design web pages and document structures visually. This happens by generating the code required automatically and previewing work in progress as it takes place in real time (the editor creates HTML and CSS dynamically as elements are modified on the screen). This makes for a seamless, intuitive interface for editing purposes, despite limiting for more experienced web developers.

These are some of the benefits that come with using WYSIWYG editors; however, it should be noted that they might not provide as much flexibility or control over design as hand-coding HTML and CSS do.

Pro Tip:
Practice with Simple Projects: Begin by making simple web pages or modifying what already exists to develop your skills and know the WYSIWYG editor.

What are the pros and cons of using a WYSIWYG editor? 

WYSIWYG editors present a way of generating and changing content for the Web without requiring any knowledge of HTML or CSS coding; but, they have both pros and cons. These advantages and disadvantages must be understood to know whether to use a WYSIWYG editor.

  • Ease of use: Even though they are very handy and user-friendly, WYSIWYG editors can make developers too dependent on them visually, and therefore they may not be interested in learning the code that lies beneath the surface to understand web development better.

  • Speed and efficiency: The WYSIWYG editor is great for beginners in programming without much knowledge; experienced web designers may feel limited though.

  • Control over code: While they might be visually convenient, WYSIWYG editors can produce code that may need to be improved further towards better web performance and search engine visibility.

  • Templates data: Swapping templates may require new formatting.

Who uses WYSIWYG editors? 

A lot of different people use WYSIWYG editors. This includes:

  • Content creators

  • Web Designers

  • Marketers

  • Small Business Owners

Added to this list there are also those everyday users who need to create or edit web content/documents/emails without requiring in-depth knowledge of HTML or CSS. 

They are trendy on forums, web builders, and CMSs as they enable collaboration among users with different technical skills, but it is important to note that they do not have the same degree of control/flexibility as hand-coding HTML/CSS does.

Popular editors for website construction are: 

  • Hocoos

  • Site123

  • Wix

  • Webador

They can be seen as popular by GitHub stars or npmjs.com downloads which express how much they have been accepted in the community. These editors require no coding skills, resembling the process of word processing tools.

The choice of which editor is best will depend on factors such as the needs of the project, the skills available among developers involved, and the financial resources available for investment into this area.

Pro Tip:
Feature a Comparison Table: Generate a table that compares the most common WYSIWYG editors based on their major characteristics, costs as well as pros and cons to help you when choosing an editor.

What’s the difference between WYSIWYG and traditional (code editor) editing experiences?

Different ways to build websites are offered by traditional code editors and WYSIWYG editors, each having its own pros and cons. It is important to recognize these strengths and weaknesses to be able to choose an editor that suits your workflow goals.

  • Visual feedback: Despite its mentioned limitations regarding the limited flexibility of the underlying code structure, WYSIWYG editors allow you to see the changes immediately without the need for any coding skills.

  • Accessibility: WYSIWYG has built-in tools for layout, styling, or image manipulation, which empowers beginners even though experienced web designers may find these editors a bit limiting.

  • Customization: In WYSIWYG editors web development offers a wide range of preset templates; still, functions might not be enough for users who need many custom elements on their site.

What are the best practices for using a WYSIWYG Editor? 

The most effective way of using a WYSIWYG editor is to customize it according to your needs. Start with a blank document to prevent unnecessary formatting, and incorporate the editor into your projects smoothly. To ensure compatibility, make small changes, use the features that come with it, and test in different browsers. These steps enable you to create websites that are uniform, accessible, and attractive to look at; but keep in mind that possible unexpected formatting or compatibility problems can happen due to the nature of these editors; hence testing is important.

Pro Tips:
Have a comprehensive test: Have an overview of your website across different browsers and devices to ensure consistency and compatibility.


WYSIWYG editors are designed in such a way that they have a visual interface approachable for users with little technical skills to take part in the editing process, but may not be so attractive for experienced web designers. Real-time feedback and improved collaboration are the outcomes of this; nevertheless, there are limits concerning customization, code control, and compatibility. The choice varies according to the needs of the project being done as well as individual preferences.


Important Consideration: The information provided by our expert team is designed to give you a general understanding of the website creation process and the features available to you. It's important to note that this information is not a substitute for professional advice tailored to your specific needs and goals.
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