What is a Website’s Downtime?

9 min to read

Downtime refers to the temporary interruption of a system or service, such as a website server. When downtime impacts a website or app, users can’t access the service – in essence, it’s the same as trying to access the internet when your Wi-Fi has disconnected.

Website downtime occurs for several reasons; it’s sometimes, but not always, intentional (and important). Power outages and other technical issues could result in downtime; you can set contingency plans for these, but you can’t necessarily prepare.

In some cases, downtime may occur due to website/server maintenance. In many cases, you can prepare for these and also inform your clients to minimize disruption.

Key Takeaways:
  • Prepare for downtime
  • Ensure that you have resource alternatives and data backups.

  • In the know
  • Stay informed by following updates from your provider during downtime.

  • Mitigation
  • Communicate openly with your clients and plan in advance for downtime. Use offline tools, too.

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Will my data be safe during the downtime?

Your data is generally protected in the event of downtime, thanks to implemented security measures; however, exceptional scenarios may pose challenges. This will depend on the service provider you use, but in most cases, they should have redundancy systems and backups. These will almost always do their job during planned maintenance periods, and your provider should also have thought about how to keep data safe during unexpected downtime. 

While your provider should create backups of their own, it’s always a good idea to be extra safe. Create your own backups and set up automated daily ones.  

Pro Tip: 
In addition to backing up your data, you should also set up two-factor authentication (2FA) for additional security. 

Are there any alternative ways for me to access the service or get support during the downtime?

You may be able to access services during downtime, but this will depend on your service provider. Some of the more advanced ones might offer alternative means of access when they’ve planned their downtime. You may also be able to access the service like normal, but with fewer functionality options than usual. 

Besides the service provider, your subscription plan might also determine whether you can access services during downtime. More advanced subscriptions (e.g., Enterprise and custom plans) are more likely to have these options than lower tiers. 

If you need customer support during downtime periods, you could potentially access other channels. To ensure that you take the right steps, check your provider’s website and follow the instructions they’ve outlined. 

Pro Tip: 
Check for outage updates by bookmarking status pages for each service to use. 

How can I stay updated on the progress of resolving the downtime?

To stay informed about downtime and your estimated recovery times, you should do these things: 

  • Check status pages: Look to see what the current status is for each service. 

  • Stay informed: Follow the company’s social media accounts and sign up for email alerts. You can also opt to receive mobile notifications.

Looking at status pages and official communication channels is important for receiving progress reports. You can then plan your work accordingly. 

Pro Tip: 
If you follow the provider on social media, enable notifications from their profile (if the platform allows). 

How can I minimize the impact of downtime on my business or activities?

You can’t control downtime, but since it’s inevitable, planning for these periods in advance is a good idea. Follow the tips below to minimize the impact of downtime on your business operations. 

  • Plan in advance: Know what you’re going to do when downtime occurs, whether it’s planned or unplanned. Back up your data on a daily basis, and if a provider announces downtime periods, avoid performing important tasks during this period. You should also research alternative options to ensure that you can continue working like normal. 

  • Offline tools: Look for online tools and resources that you can use as a temporary alternative during downtime periods.

  • Communication: Let all of your clients know about scheduled downtime in advance. If unexpected downtime occurs, communicate swiftly and clearly on your website and social media platforms. 
Pro Tip: 
If your business needs online services, consider getting a backup power source/connection. 


Downtime is an inevitability, and even if you limit unexpected occurrences, you’ll at least need to maintain your servers every now and then. But despite its disruptive nature, you don’t have to let downtime hinder your business operations. 

Knowing how to maintain trust from your clients during service downtime is crucial for business; preparing in advance and offering clear communication are fundamental elements. 

It’s also important that you develop a clear plan with alternative solutions. Clients should be able to access these regardless of whether downtime is planned. Informing clients as soon as you have updates via your online channels is also imperative for maintaining transparency.

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Important Consideration: The information provided by our expert team is designed to give you a general understanding of the website creation process and the features available to you. It's important to note that this information is not a substitute for professional advice tailored to your specific needs and goals.
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