What is a Tagline?

7 min to read

A tagline encapsulates in a few words the major message of a brand, a product, or a service that is simple yet easy to remember. You find a tagline in advertising and marketing copy materials, as well as daily conversations. A tagline is considered the shorthand summary of what your business stands for. A tagline can help your brand:

Increase brand recognition: People find it easier to recall the brand when it has a catchy tagline.

Communicate your brand’s value proposition: A tagline can encapsulate what sets your product or services apart.

Drive sales: A good tagline can make buyers opt for your brand instead of the others.


• Nike: Just Do It.

• Apple: Think Different.

• L’Oréal: Because You’re Worth It.

Key Takeaways:
  • Taglines are powerful branding elements
  • The process of creating compelling taglines requires mindful planning
  • Estimate tagline efficacy with brand metrics
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What are the key elements of a good tagline?

The key components of an effective tagline are:

  • Memorable: A tagline should stick to people’s memories even after a long time.

  • Relevant: Your brand’s values, mission, and products should accurately represent your tagline of choice.

  • Concise: A tagline will have a better outcome if it’s short, captivating, and catchy.

  • Unique: Your brand tagline should differ from other competitors.

How is a tagline created?

The combination of efforts with marketing people, ad agencies, and even the brand’s executives results in the tagline composition.


  • Brainstorming: The team members generate a variety of proposals and then select those that appear to be the best in terms of their attractiveness, relevance, and brevity.

  • Keyword Magic: Discovering the phrases and words people use while searching for specific products gives marketers a chance to put forward a suitable tagline.

  • Storytelling: Taglines often derive from the broader narrative or purpose of the brand.
Pro Tip: 
When developing taglines, consider your unique brand characteristics. How do you differentiate your brand from your competitors?

What are the challenges in creating a tagline?

Crafting a catchy tagline is every brand’s dream, but it is more challenging than it sounds. Here’s why:

  • Competition: Such competitive market space might impose some challenges to break as a stand-out brand.

  • Evolution: Brands keep evolving, and taglines may need an update that aligns with the new concept.

  • Cultural Element: Taglines that work in one place may not translate or perform as expected in another.
Pro Tip: 
Experimentation is the key! Play with a variety of word combinations, different rhythms, or cadences.

How can a tagline be measured for effectiveness?

Consider the following aspects to measure your tagline effectiveness:

  • Brand Recall: Can people remember your brand after hearing your tagline?

  • Brand Preference: Does your tagline impact people’s choice of preferring your brand over others?

  • Sales: Does your brand tagline lead to more sales?

  • Social Media Buzz: Are people talking about your tagline in the online environment?
Pro Tips: 
• Involve your target audience in the creation process and get their feedback. Surveys and focus groups can be handy.

• Consider hiring a professional copywriter or marketing consultant as it is a good help when you’re struggling to create your tagline.


Taglines perform an important function in the context of brand-building and marketing. A good tagline can give a brand a competitive edge, articulate the brand’s message, and help in closing sales. On the other hand, taglines are not easily created as they involve clear thinking, lots of creativity, and a thorough understanding of the brand and its audience. This guide provides many tips and strategies that, if followed, can result in the development of a tagline able to capture customers’ attention and assist the brand in meeting its objectives.

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