What is a Faceted Navigation?

3 min to read

Faceted navigation allows users to narrow down their site/app search results via a filtering tool. Regardless of catalog size, faceted navigation should allow users to find what they need.

eCommerce websites use faceted navigation. Filtering options encompass various attributes such as brand, size, price range, and other relevant factors. However, sites in other niches and industries might also use faceted information.

Your users should find website navigation – and finding what they want – easier; this requires careful implementation. Faceted navigation is vital for user experience and to ensure that you aren’t missing out on sales.

Key Takeaways:
  • User Experience
  • Use faceted navigation so that users can find what they’re looking for.
  • Efficiency
  • By combining filters, users should see more relevant results.
  • Planning
  • You must use meaningful filters and clear labels so that users don’t get overwhelmed.
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How does faceted navigation work?

Faceted navigation indexes catalog item attributes. Articles and products are two common examples. After items have been indexed, facets form from the categories that these are organized into. 

On the frontend, the user will see filter options. Your website or app will update search results based on what users want to see. While some users might only need to add one filter to their searches, others may need several. 

Pro Tip: 
Your facets and filter option names should be clear and descriptive. Users must know exactly what they’re clicking on. 

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using faceted navigation?

You should consider both benefits and drawbacks when using faceted navigation. Here are some examples of each. 


  • Improved user experience: Users should be able to find exactly what they’re looking for, whether that’s an article, product, or something else. 

  • Product discovery: Even if they weren’t previously thinking about it, faceted navigation might convince users to look at different options. 

  • Reduced bounce rates: Consider whether your faceted navigation will keep users on your website for longer. 


  • Maintenance: Facets and filters need to be kept up-to-date, especially as your site catalog grows. 

  • Potential for overwhelming users: Since adding too many options can confuse users, it’s a good idea to only add essential facets. 
Pro Tip: 
Start with a small number of facets, based on what users are most likely to use. You should then slowly add more later, looking at user behavior/feedback to determine which ones are the most important. 

What are some best practices for designing and implementing effective faceted navigation?

When implementing faceted navigation on your website, you must consider multiple factors within design and functionality. Some of the most essential ones include:

  • Implement clear and concise facet labels to support user navigation. 

  • Logically organize facets based on the user journey. 

  • Make your filters meaningful. 

  • Dynamically update your filter options so that pages load when users add them. 

  • Selected filters must have clear feedback. 

Effortless catalog navigation is a priority for enhancing user experience. 

Pro Tip: 
After implementing faceted navigation, test it with users to get feedback and adjust accordingly. 


Faceted navigation can improve the user experience and make website searching more efficient, but you must consider its various aspects. It’s important that you either have the technical expertise, hire people who do, or use site builders that make it easier for you to navigate. For example, Hocoos AI has filters that you can use to improve faceted navigation.

Users should be able to find precisely what they’re looking for on your site when using faceted navigation.


Important Consideration: The information provided by our expert team is designed to give you a general understanding of the website creation process and the features available to you. It's important to note that this information is not a substitute for professional advice tailored to your specific needs and goals.
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